
Cenicero (apartaments next opening April 2020)
* Hostal Labranza (Fuenmayor) 📞 636 410 497
* Casa Ruta del Vino (Fuenmayor) 📞 636 410 497
Feeling hungry or thirsty?
📞941 45 43 67 -Homemade food restaurant and tapas.
C/ La Victoria, 40.
* Bar El Paso
📞696 46 12 34 - Grill restaruarant and tapas. C/ Trinquete, 8.
* Bar Restaurante Las Viñas (Swimming pool area).
📞642 54 87 72 - Combined dishes, sandwiches, hamburguers, tapas. Weekend menu.
* Pub Sombras
📞678 73 20 88 Official Pub Rioja&Pedal C/ Trinquete, 24
📞941 45 46 79 Coffee, Wine. Cocktails. C/ San Cristóbal 20
📞650 45 34 76 Coffee, wine and cocktails. Also sandwiches and tapas. C/ Trinquete, 1
📞633 66 00 03 Restaurant and tapas. C/ Trinquete, 7
Coffee, wine and cocktails. Plaza San Cristóbal nº 5
* Vinoteca de Bodegas Riojanas
* Casino La Fraternal
Coffee, wine and cocktails. Plaza San Cristóbal nº 1
📞 941 45 48 04 Coffee, wine and cocktails. Also sandwiches and tapas. C/ Martín Bastida, 9
📞 941 45 47 97 Homemade food. Also sandwiches and tapas. Ctra Nacional 232 km 429
Rute old cellars
We are a town eminently focused on the wine industry. We will make routes around the cellars with wine tasting during Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Our bars and restaurants will collaborate on the weekend, decorated for the occasion.
We also make available to the visitor contacts with the wineries in Cenicero. Many of them conduct guided tours upon prior reservation:
A restored 15th century cellar, where you can taste wine and oil. Visits upon request.
A family winery founded in 1885, where you can taste wine, vermouth and mistela. Visits upon request.
Centenary winery. Visits. Wine bar.
A renowned winery that will celebrate its 50th anniversary this year. Visits upon request: reservas@marquesdecaceres.com
* Cooperativa Santa Daría
* Bodegas Lagunilla (Marqués de la Concordia)
* La Alcoholera de La Rioja
You cannot leave Cenicero without visiting the Statue of Liberty, 🗽 granted to the town in 1897, in memory of our urbans, who faced the Carlist army led by Tomás de Zumalácarregui in October 1897.
The Statue is located in the Plaza Doctor San Martín.